Statement from Hardie Grant Publishing

Regarding the publication of Welcome to Sex by Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes.


Hardie Grant Publishing is proud to be the publisher of Welcome to Sex, an educational and age-appropriate guide for tweens and teens and their parents about sex and sexuality.

‘Welcome to Sex was developed in response to genuine questions about sex from adolescents to Dolly Doctor over a twenty-year period, as well as comprehensive interviews with young people and adolescent experts about issues they are facing, particularly in an online world,’ said Kate Brown, Managing Director of HGCP, for Hardie Grant. 'Every young person develops at their own rate, and parents and caregivers are encouraged to make their own decisions about what is appropriate to share with their family.’

Co-authored by adolescent health expert and GP Dr Melissa Kang and respected journalist Yumi Stynes, Welcome to Sex is the fourth book in their award-winning, best-selling Welcome to series on topics such as consent and menstruation. The series has sold successfully worldwide and is designed to support parents as they navigate these conversations, as well as being a valuable, curated resource for young people who will otherwise search the internet for answers to their inevitable questions.

‘Buying this book is a positive choice for parents and teens who are looking for guidance on a subject of genuine importance,’ said Ms Brown. ‘We have published it for an audience who want that option.’